 b  Belt width, mm 4 6 8 10 12
 B Pulley width, mm 8 10 12 14 16

Tolerances for belt width ±0,3
Tolerances for nominal thickness hs ±0,15

Min. diameter of the Idler Pulley placed inside the belt = 20 mm
Min. diameter of the Idler Pulley placed outside the belt = 18 mm
120 120 48
145 145 58
160 160 64
177,5 177,5 71
180 180 72
182,5 182.5 73
200 200 80
230 230 92
245 245 98
265 265 106
285 285 114
290 290 116
305 305 122
317,5 317,5 127
330 330 132
380 380 152
420 420 168
480 480 192
500 500 200
600 600 240
620 620 248
650 650 260
680 680 272
780 780 312
880 880 352
915 915 366
950 950 380
1185 1185 474
